Monday, September 10, 2007

I am thankful.....

There are days when you wake up with an almost aching feeling in your heart and with invisible loads upon your shoulder, simply not wanting to step out of bed to brave the challenges of the upcoming day. Having come across one too many of such days as you emerge in age, you tactfully come up with ways to combat the ill thoughts/feelings as you realise that, as cliche as it sounds, 'the sun will keep rising in the morning and set in the evening' whether or not you're in the crappy mood you're in. On those difficult mornings, I sometimes comfort myself by consciously acknowledging how much better off I am compared to many others in the world. I start running through a mental list of good things/deeds/gestures that I have recently stumbled upon or befallen me. It ultimately helps me launch my day with a positive start.

But today, wasn't one of those days......and today didn't need me to be thankful for all the good things in my life to uplift my spirits to get through a rough day. Today, I felt thankful because of the pure simplicity of contentment. And days like these definitely warrant a blog entry.

I am thankful:-

...for the unconditional and undivided love and understanding from my parents.

...for the company of a loving brother.

...for the joy and laughter of good-natured, friendly, patient and supportive colleagues and friends.

...for employers, who have always treated me with respect.

...for the continuing friendship of a friend even at the most tricky and challenging of times.

...for the considerate and thoughtful yet unexpected gestures of acquaintances and even strangers.

...for the realisation that life is in your hands.

...for the unlimited chances to build and rebuild, improve and refine my character.

...for the ability to discern the trivial from the important.

...for the experience to enjoy the splendour of simple things in life.

...for the life I currently live in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee...wonder what have made "today" a special one :-P

12:31 am  
Blogger Jacz said...


Just an ordinary day...except that I had some time in hand to reflect on the nice and good things in life.


1:59 am  

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